It seems a little strange that I would be concerned about my students' clothing since my students are in high school.
However, for the 4th time since I began teaching, I have dealt with an issue involving my high school students and their lack of pants...
Today, one student changed out of her jeans and into sweatpants - all while sitting in her chair. In the middle of class.
Previous experiences are:
1. A student asking to go to the bathroom and returning without pants on.
2. A student coming into class with only long john underwear because his pants were drying in the bathroom after a rainy walk to school.
3. The same student as incident 1 was making a ruckus in the hall. I looked outside the classroom door to see her laying in the hall, rolling around on the floor, without pants on.
I could not make this stuff up even if I wanted to.
what?! OMG I don't know if to laugh, or ask "is this really that common?" I don't remember anyone ever taking their pants off when I went to high school, but then again, times have changed. I am still completely shocked :/