Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Moon

You may think I'm crazy after reading this, but hear me out (or really, read me out)....

On the day of the first full moon of the school year, a riot-fight broke out in the hallway mid-morning. Kids who are normally well-behaved were wild, and the day seemed to have that sort of disorienting feel similar to the feeling of taking too much cold medicine and then not sleeping it off before trying to do something that requires immense physical and mental exertion. 2 floors down on that same day, the principal of the school was bit by a student and had to go to the hospital because the bite broke the skin. 

Today, another full moon. Today, 2 fights broke out in the hallways of our school involving our kids. A third fight broke out on the first floor of the building involving a different school. Some of the kids involved in the fight were on their first day of school for the year. I was in the middle of a totally badass "Mole Day" party/lesson and had to actually block the door with my body to keep my students from leaving the room and joining the fight and to keep the fighting kids out of my classroom. 

I had multiple similar experiences last year. Many of them on days with a full moon. 

Conclusions: 1) The moon cycle actually has an effect on people's moods/behavior/attitude. 
2) My children are werewolves. Or really, werechildren.

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