Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ham Sandwiches and Apologies

For the last week or so, I've been having a running issue with a student. Not just any student, but one of my brightest students with great leadership qualities. A kid that always hangs out in my classroom and jokes around with me all the time. The switch from cooperative and invested in learning to disruptive and manipulative was surprising and frustrating, and has lead me to no small amount of grief over the last week.  I reached the breaking point on Friday when she freaked in class after I called her on being disruptive, and her retalliation actually made me cry in front of students for the first time since I began teaching. Yikes.

Tonight, I received one of the sweetest and most heartfelt apology letters ever.
Super frustrating week? Yes.
Was that letter worth every ounce of my patience and frustration? Absolutely.

Also, a new trend seems to be starting: I keep finding sandwich parts lying around the hallways and stairwells in the evenings when I leave the building. Yesterday, there were 3 entire ham sandwiches, dissected in their various parts, lying all across the floor in the hallway. Strange, no? Next time I come upon this, I'll snap a picture so you can see for yourself.

My job is never boring.

1 comment:

  1. Britt - I am sure it is comforting to know that you have truly touched one of your students. Try to remember this when you are having all of those difficult times when you wonder why you are teaching at all! It can be very frustrating, but the good moments make it worth it!

    HA! I finally figured out how to comment on your blog! :)
